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Feast of Tabernacles

YHVH's Fall Feasts at
The Stakelbeck Farm

We are so excited to host Feast of Tabernacles again, at our farm, 8099 Whites Creek Pike, Joelton, TN!

Genesis 1:14....”And Yah said, 'Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.'"

We are currently waiting on the sighting of the 7th moon (month) of YHVH's year to launch us into the Fall Feasts of YHVH! We anticipate sighting the new moon sliver Sept 27th or 28th . That will be Day 1, Feast of Trumpets, which will start the count of the 7th month. Interestingly, Feast of Trumpets is the only feast on a new moon. The 10th day of the 7th month will be Day of Atonement. And the 15th day will begin Feast of Tabernacles. After Day 1 is established, start counting! This is an exciting time and it's enjoyable to count it down with your families. Each night, you'll see the moon becoming more full as it nears Feast of Tabernacles! We anticipate the start of Tabernacles to be around October 11th, so we plan to set up camp Sunday, October 9th . We anticipate our family camping until October 20th, to insure all eight days of Tabernacles are accounted for. He commands us to be Joyful at His feast and not come empty-handed. Let's celebrate all the ways YHVH has blessed us this year!

Leviticus 23:23-43 and Deuteronomy 16:13-17

Keep in mind, the High Sabbaths may vary among those keeping the feasts, due to differing opinions on how to determine the “new moon.” This should not be a devisive point.


A Day in the Life of a Tabernacles...

When you come to Feast of Tabernacles, be ready to rejoice and have a great time honoring our Heavenly Father. He has given us eight days to enjoy a time of celebration, rest, food, family and friends. If you haven't celebrated Tabernacles with us before, here is what a day looks like...


We'll eat a communal meal at 8am (people sign up to help with preparations). If you want food before 8am, be sure to pack some snacks to keep in your tent. If you're an early riser, we'll show you how to make the coffee for the camp! Otherwise, coffee will be available at 8am. (Or you're welcome to walk up to the cute little cafe at the entrance of the camp!) If you like sleeping in, you'll be awakened by the shofar blast, and you'll have five min to gather with the group at the kitchen. You'll hear the shofar, we'll gather to pray, then we'll eat.


After breakfast, the morning is an ideal time to connect and catch up with people. You can relax, read, stoke the campfire, chat, glean from others, etc. Sometimes individuals may plan an activity for the young kids during the morning hours.


Next stop is lunch. This is also a communal meal that people sign up to prepare. It is at noon. Same as breakfast, the shofar will blow and we pray 5 min later.


Each day, at 2pm, we'll gather to pray, sing, and study the scriptures. You can choose to sit in on a variety of electives that will cover various topics. It will be a time for instruction, discovery, and questions to be asked and answered. After Bible Study, the afternoon is free for chatting, recreation, coffee, etc.


At 6pm, our communal dinner will start. People sign up to prepare this. You will hear a shofar blast. Five min later, we will gather at the kitchen. This will be the meal with the largest attendance (sometimes 80-100 people). Please be prompt when you hear the shofar, so that we are honoring to those that have prepared the meals.


On various nights throughout the week, we may have a family activity planned. This usually starts around 7:30 or 8pm. You don't want to miss these! We will sound the shofar and meet at the white tent.


Out of respect for our neighbors, our young children, and some that choose to retire early, quiet hours will begin at 10pm. At midnight, we will secure the camp and close the gates.


You've just experienced a little taste of what the Kingdom of YHVH looks like, living and breathing! A community, gathered together, honoring YHVH and rejoicing in His presence!

General Daily Schedule...

8am- Breakfast

12pm- Lunch

2pm- Bible Study

6pm- Dinner


10pm- Quiet Hours

12am- Camp is Secured & Gates Closed
(* Our desire is that individuals will decide if they are camping or heading home

by midnight. We would love for you to stay. Please be “in for the night” at this point and have all travel done.)


Tools for Newcomers...

Parking will be marked and is in the front of the property adjacent to the road and behind the market. Please do not use the concrete lot between 7am and 2pm. Please take cars out of campground after unloading. We also appreciate anyone backing a car to have a spotter helping them. Let's be diligent. Parents, please be alert to the cars, especially on load-in and load-out days. Also, parking on Stakelbeck property only, not cemetery. It is ok to enter camp from cemetery road, but as few tire marks as possible on their grass would be helpful. We want to be good neighbors!


Quiet hours begin at 10pm. Gates close for camp at 12am.


Please remember our property is a "primitive campground." There is only one electric panel with 8 outlets. These are mostly used for community purposes such as lighting in the camp, electric in the main meeting tent, and cooking. Charging your cellphone works too, but let's be courteous. Anyone want to set up a nice, dry charging station that doesn't crowd the kitchen for us?

  • The large white tent is our main meeting tent. This is where meals are eaten, Bible study happens, and any special events (game nights, dancing, etc) take place.

  • Two outdoor shower tents, with hot water, will be available along the fence, near the road, under the maple tree. (You're not really tabernacling until you've experienced the outdoor shower!)

  • Watch your footing while walking through the property. These are felds and there may be holes and roots to dodge.

  • Please come prepared for cold and/or rainy weather.... especially while sleeping.

  • The 1st and 8th days of Feast of Tabernacles are High Sabbaths.

  • Community Meals! We will be observing “clean eating” at Tabernacles, outlined in Leviticus 11. Please no pork, shellfsh, regular marshmallows (pick up those made without pork gelatin). We may sleep in individual tents, but we share every meal while camping at Tabernacles. We know a few of you have particular food limitations that require you to prep your own food, but please come be part of the family while eating. This is where bonding and memories are made!

  • Personal food- Although we may occasionally share snacks corporately, of course you are welcome to keep your own stash of things in a personal tote in your tent. Just know that anything brought into the storehouse tent is subject to disappear!

  • Bring Eating Utensils for Your Family- Each family is encouraged to help cut back on trash by bringing washable plates, cups, bowls, forks, etc. Also, parents, please insure each member of your family cleans their dirty dishes. Disposable items will be made available to our guests.

  • The Tabernacle Kitchen is organized under the two small pavilions. These areas need to be kept clean of personal items and are used for food prep and serving the group. Main storage for food items will be in totes and coolers and is under the small tent, to the left of the pavilions, in what we call “the storehouse tent.”

  • There will be portable toilets in the field, just behind the white barn. Please use these instead of the market.


    For a Full Experience....

    1. Come as a family. A parent or designated adult to care for your child, should be on the property if your kids are. This helps with liability and keeps stress levels down during a time we should be “dwelling with YHVH.”

  • 2. Please bring a tote or large basket, labeled with your family's name, to place inside the main white tent. This will help keep the main tent cleaned up. When anyone spots an item from your family, they can place it in your family basket! This is also a great place to keep your Bibles and notebooks for study. Organization!

  • 3. We encourage you to craft a sign to place outside of your sleeping tent. There have been times we have needed to locate people or parents, and it will be much easier if tents are labeled. In the past, people have been so creative and fun with these!

  • 4. If you'd like to be included on future emails and communication of fellowships in the future, be sure to sign the “Tabernacle Guest Book” this year.

  • 5. How does “Sign Up” work? Some of you are camping with us for the frst time. It takes lots of us to make camp run smoothly. We will have a few boards in the storehouse tent with a list of ways you can help at Tabernacles. Please check them out and sign up!


Can't wait to reunite with everyone and meet some new folks! Please RSVP. We miss each of you all year and look forward to this time together. It's so sweet to dwell with each other the entire week. (Psalm 133:1) And to think, it will happen one day for real! (Zechariah 14:16) Let us know if you need anything or have any questions!


Brandon and Tracy Stakelbeck 615-579-7131

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